Why am I taking this course? Is there something I want to prove to myself?
The truth is, I have no idea, why did it ever slip on my mind... 42K, c'mon!
I know it's not easy, who says it is? wahahah. What preparation have I done so far?
Since the time I graduated 10K races, it’s always been a dream to do full marathon. Total of 1 and a half year of convincing myself to join, more than 10 races passed, and just recently almost everyday morning run to feel and inject to my mind that I will be doing this.
I have been posting my Road to Marathon journey on this blog to pressure myself to push forward, train and condition my mind for this event.
My dream is just to finish it strong. Period!
Still I have no formal training on running and because of some failed network/ gps, it’s hard to assess how far I have gone through my daily run. As long as my feet aches, my whole playlist repeated for at least 3 times and when the sun started to rise or set during training, I know I did my best1
In this upcoming race, I don't have anyone with me, just me, my phone and my shoes. No PR to bloggers and runners. No brand booth to set up, no promo and marketing team to make kwentuhan while waiting for the gun start and to cheer just when I am about to reach the finish line. . Just me and my determination to start and finish it.
This is a call to all my friends who knows me well. Who believes that I can do it, who doubted that I will do it. I am asking prayers and moral support to all of you.
May God join me in every step I take in this road. That I may feel the gain in every pain I take. That He will direct me breathing I need. Hydrate me in times my body is thirsty even if the aid station is still a mile away. I may not be ready now, but just like how not ready I am with the challenges of every day, I know He is always with me and will never leave my side until I reach the finish line. He will carry my feet and make every bump light as feather. He will breeze out fresh air so I will not feel the heat. Give me enough strength that I can be at the finish line standing proud of another milestone in my life…
Yes! I will!