Wednesday, May 27, 2015

OOTD Beach Loose | What I Wear | MarkMyName

Here's what I wear when I have nothing to show off on my upper body... hahaha, I normally wear sando for summer, that's like a tradition but this year Instead, I explore loussy long sleeve denim and short short. It still feel like summer as the hue is very light and comfortable.

I remember wearing this long sleeve top two year ago when denim top wasn't a thing yet. Normally, I pair this with a slacks/ dark skinny jeans when I go to the office during Friday/ wash day.The cute dog in a motorcycle patch attracts me to buy this. 

It will always be fun to explore outfit and style you are not use to. To test what will fit you but more than how it fits you and the occasion, you must also try how to carry it.

Mark My Name